Thursday, February 26, 2009

The Pity Titty Incident

BR and I ventured out to 6th Street Tuesday night to see how Austin celebrates Mardi Gras. The street was crowded with mostly twentysomethings, but they were still passable for BR and his chair. The bars themselves were pretty empty -- lots of elbow room.

As we were heading back to the van, the cutest young lady made a beeline for BR, stopping right in front of him. With a slurred "Awwww," she lifted her shirt, exposing herself in what will forever be known as "The Pity Titty Incident."


Lisa Emrich said...

Aawwwwwhhh, that's so cute. Drunk college kids, was it fun? And did you have any Mardi Gras beads for the lady?

Personally, I detest crowds and that would have been torturous (even with plenty of elbow room.)

Nice to hear that you guys got out and about.

steve said...

She got my best plastic pink pearls.