Sunday, November 1, 2009

Hurry up and wait

Happy All Saints Day, y'all.

BR and I were expecting to be on our way back to Houston at this time. We were e-mailing (!) with the doctor last week, and he said he was available for the Prialt trial either the week of November 2nd, or the week of December 7th. Not wanting to wait whole month, we pushed for next week, and everything was looking good until noon on Friday, when the business office called and said they hadn't received insurance approval yet.

I called and left a message for our case manager at Blue Cross, and she called back to let us know that BR needed to have a psych evaluation before the trial could be authorized. Luckily, he had already done one for the Which doctor -- we just needed to get the paperwork to the right people. I left a couple messages with the Which doctor's office, and when I hadn't received a response by 4pm, I drove 30 minutes and sat in the waiting room until I could get confirmation that they had faxed the report over to M.D. Anderson. But I knew that we were already too late. There just wasn't enough time for the report to be reviewed by Blue Cross before the M.D. Anderson business office closed for the weekend.

It really is a shame. BR's pain is worse than ever. He has agreed to let me keep him pretty doped up so he can tolerate it. He's sleeping a lot and needs supervision when he's awake.

The countdown has started until December 7th.


Herrad said...

Hi Steve,
Sorry to hear about the total fuck up with the burocratic paper chasing.
Hope BR can hold on until the new appointment.
Thinking of you both.

Herrad said...

Hi Steve,
Did not read it well, now I see the new appointment id December 7th......
Shit a month coming saturday!!!
Can't they really give you another one?
Can't you be called if someone else cancels?
Hang in there.
Thinking of you lots.
Big hug.